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ENT Problems in Children
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Is your child not meeting their hearing, speech or language milestones?
Don’t leave your child’s development on hold.
Our ENT Service For Children
ENT conditions are extremely common in childhood, and usually resolve with home remedies or medication from a doctor. However, if symptoms persist or recur, they may require further investigation.
Our ENT clinic has a specialist department that covers a range of conditions affecting children, from simple infections requiring antibiotics, to conditions requiring surgical treatment.
We understand that a trip to the doctor can be extremely distressing for your little one, so we have a dedicated team of nurses who are trained in providing compassionate paediatric care. Together, we are dedicated to ensuring your child receives the highest level of medical care in a child-friendly environment.
Common childhood ENT conditions we treat include:
Ear Infections
The most common ear infection that occurs in children is acute otitis media. Most infections clear on their own but sometimes, you may need antibiotics. Acute otitis media can progress to a condition called otitis media with effusion, where fluid becomes trapped in the ear, even after the infection has cleared. You may have heard this referred to as glue ear. It can affect your child’s hearing and cause speech delays if severe.
Tonsillitis And Recurrent Throat Infections
Tonsils are a pair of glands located at the back of the mouth, which play a role in fighting off infection. Tonsillitis refers to inflammation and swelling of the tonsils due to infection. Your child will usually be unwell with a sore throat and fever and you may notice that your child’s tonsils are enlarged, with white spots on them. If tonsils continue to cause problems or recurrent throat infections, they can be removed in a procedure called a tonsillectomy.
Enlarged Adenoids
Adenoids are small glands located at the back of the nasal passage. They play a role in fighting off bacteria and viruses that enter through the nose. Some children can be born with enlarged adenoids, while others acquire them through repeated infections. Due to their location, enlarged adenoids can begin to cause problems with your child’s breathing, swallowing and sleep. Occasionally, the adenoids may need to be removed in a surgical procedure called adenoidectomy.
Snoring And Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive sleep apnoea is a condition where the airways become temporarily blocked during sleep. This is most commonly due to enlarged adenoids or tonsils. You may notice your child have episodes of loud snoring followed by periods of silence when breathing stops. Eventually, the drop in oxygen will cause your child to wake up, usually with a loud snort or gasp. Sleep apnoea can cause excessive daytime tiredness and affect concentration in school.
The tongue is normally connected to the floor of the mouth by a fold of tissue. In tongue-tie, that tissue is shorter than normal, causing restriction in the movement of the tongue. It can make it difficult for your baby to breastfeed. Tongue-tie can be treated by a simple procedure called tongue-tie division.
Throat Disorders
Sometimes children are born with conditions that affect the airways, causing problems with breathing. For example, your child might be born with a floppy voice box (larynx), which can collapse on inspiration causing noisy breathing. This condition is called laryngomalacia and is usually apparent shortly after birth.
Hearing Disorders
Usually, the auditory system is fully functional at birth. However, some children can be born with hearing loss, or develop it after birth. Your child will usually have a hearing test conducted in the first few weeks of life and should be referred to an ENT specialist if any abnormalities are detected. The earlier hearing loss is identified, the better the treatment outcomes.
If your child suffers from any of these or other ENT conditions, get in touch to arrange a consultation with A/prof Sethi.